Let Our Legal Expertise Be Your Guide

At Court Caribbean Law Practice, we take care of all your legal matters. We are committed to undertaking legal work in a sound, speedy, and cost-effective manner, while upholding our professional responsibilities at all times.

Our Firm & Our Clients

Court Caribbean Law Practice is a boutique law firm, providing legal and corporate secretarial services on Barbados law. Our diverse client base includes individuals, private corporations, public companies and accounting and law firms within the region and internationally.

This includes companies in the distributive sector, manufacturing, the hotel industry, real estate development companies, IBC’s, domestic and non-profit companies. In addition, we have provided advice to licensed domestic and international banks, mortgage finance institutions and development finance institutions. With respect to the int’l. business practice, we have worked with several international law firms and financial institutions over the years in the UK, US, Canada, and Hong Kong.


  • Disciplinary Action – None of the Attorneys-at-law has ever been subject to any disciplinary action by the Disciplinary Committee of any applicable Bar Association.


  • Legal Practice Certificate – All of our Attorneys-at-law have valid Legal Practice Certificates to practice Barbados law. We are not authorized to practice English law.


  • Professional Indemnity Insurance – While this is not a mandatory regulatory requirement, the firm is in possession of valid professional indemnity insurance issued by a duly licensed Barbados insurance company.

Get your land disputes resolved at an affordable fee!

Data Protection Policy

The confidentiality and security of your information are of critical importance to us. All information collected in relation to a client is stored and processed at our Barbados office situated at George Washington House, St. Michael, Barbados.


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We employ all reasonable security protocols to ensure that the information collected and processed remains secure. These include but may not be limited to the following measures:

• Confidentiality Agreement – All
• Retainer Agreement
• Training in Data security
• Password Protection
• Limited information – Provision of Information to specified personnel on a “Need-to-Know” basis.


We typically seek the consent of clients prior to engaging any third-party service providers to conduct work on behalf of the said client.


All information submitted to us in the course of our professional relationship with a client is attorney-client privileged. Under applicable law, there are specified circumstances under which attorney-client privilege is deemed to be waived. These include the following:

  • Court Order – In accordance with an Order of the Court explicitly mandating the provision of said information
  • Unlawful activity – Where we have reasonable grounds to believe that the information provided will be useful in the investigation of any unlawful activity
  • Under specified circumstances and in accordance with applicable law, the information may be disclosed to governmental and/or regulatory bodies
  • Client waiver – Where the client has explicitly waived off the attorney-client privilege and consented to the provision of the requisite information to a specified third party

There are a number of defined circumstances in respect to which the information submitted under the attorney-client privilege can be divulged. These circumstances are identified agreements, which must be read and signed by the client prior to the commencement of any legal work.

We do not sell, voluntarily offer, or exchange any personal information related to clients under any circumstances.